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A man and woman standing in front of a window and wall thermometer.

Talking about the weather Talking about the weather Parler de la météo

Written by Espen Stranger-Johannessen

Illustrated by Ognjen Drageljević

Read by Pip Hardy

Language English

Level Level 2

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A man and woman standing in front of a window and wall thermometer.

“The days are starting to get cold. What is the temperature?”

“The days are starting to get cold. What is the temperature?”

“Les journées commencent à se rafraîchir. Quelle est la température ?”

A woman pointing to a wall thermometer standing next to a man.

“It’s nine degrees. It’s still autumn, but soon it will be winter.”

“It’s nine degrees. It’s still autumn, but soon it will be winter.”

“Il fait neuf degrés. Nous sommes toujours en automne, mais ce sera bientôt l’hiver.”

A man thinking about sunbathing.

“I’m looking forward to spring, but I prefer summer, when it’s nice and warm.”

“I’m looking forward to spring, but I prefer summer, when it’s nice and warm.”

“J’ai hâte d’être au printemps, mais je préfère l’été, quand il fait beau et chaud.”

A woman pointing to the clouds through a window and standing next to a man.

“I don’t mind the cold. It’s the rain and wind I don’t like.”

“I don’t mind the cold. It’s the rain and wind I don’t like.”

“Je me fiche du froid. C’est la pluie et le vent que je n’aime pas.”

An unhappy man looking through a window at the clouds.

“Look at those dark clouds. Tomorrow it will rain. It will be very windy too. Perhaps there will be a storm.”

“Look at those dark clouds. Tomorrow it will rain. It will be very windy too. Perhaps there will be a storm.”

“Regarde ces nuages sombres. Il va pleuvoir demain. Il y aura beaucoup de vent aussi. Peut-être qu’il y aura un orage.”

A man standing in a house looking through the window at the stormy weather.

“I hope not. I really don’t like bad weather, especially thunder and lightning. I’m afraid the lightning might strike me.”

“I hope not. I really don’t like bad weather, especially thunder and lightning. I’m afraid the lightning might strike me.”

“Je n’espère pas. Je n’aime vraiment pas le mauvais temps, surtout le tonnerre et les éclairs. J’ai peur que la foudre me frappe.”

Written by: Espen Stranger-Johannessen
Illustrated by: Ognjen Drageljević
Read by: Pip Hardy
Language: English
Level: Level 2
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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