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A man and a girl holding hands walking.

Going to a café Going to a café Aller à un café

Written by Espen Stranger-Johannessen

Illustrated by Aakanee

Read by Pip Hardy

Language English

Level Level 2

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A man and a girl holding hands walking.

Boran and his daughter are out for a walk.

Boran and his daughter are out for a walk.

Boran et sa fille font une balade.

A man holding hands with a girl is pointing at a café.

They come to a café, and go in.

They come to a café, and go in.

Ils arrivent à un café, et y rentrent.

A man and girl walking into a café.

In the café the waiter shows them to a table.

In the café the waiter shows them to a table.

Dans le café, le serveur leur indique une table.

A man sitting at a table with a girl is ordering a coffee.

Boran orders a coffee.

Boran orders a coffee.

Boran commande un café.

A man sitting at a table with a girl who is ordering a soda.

His daughter orders a soda.

His daughter orders a soda.

Sa fille commande un soda.

A waiter holding a tray of drinks.

The waiter brings their order.

The waiter brings their order.

Le serveur amène leur commande.

Someone pouring a can of soda into a glass.

He pours the soda into a glass.

He pours the soda into a glass.

Il verse le soda dans un verre.

A girl drinking a soda.

She drinks the soda.

She drinks the soda.

Elle boit le soda.

Someone pouring sugar into a cup of coffee.

Boran puts sugar in his coffee.

Boran puts sugar in his coffee.

Boran met du sucre dans son café.

Someone stirring a cup of coffee.

He stirs the coffee.

He stirs the coffee.

Il remue le café.

A man drinking coffee.

He drinks it.

He drinks it.

Il le boit.

A man sitting at a table with a girl and speaking to the waiter.

Boran asks for the bill.

Boran asks for the bill.

Boran demande l’addition.

A man giving the waiter money.

He pays the waiter.

He pays the waiter.

Il paie le serveur.

A man and a girl leaving a café.

Boran and his daughter leave the café.

Boran and his daughter leave the café.

Boran et sa fille partent du café.

Written by: Espen Stranger-Johannessen
Illustrated by: Aakanee
Read by: Pip Hardy
Language: English
Level: Level 2
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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