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A woman sitting up in bed and a man sleeping.

The sound of birds in the morning The sound of birds in the morning Le chant des oiseaux le matin

Written by LIDA Portugal

Illustrated by Vilius Aistis Vilimas

Read by Pip Hardy

Language English

Level Level 5

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A woman sitting up in bed and a man sleeping.

Yulia, her husband, and their little daughter lived in a small, quiet village in Ukraine. Yulia loved being woken every morning by the sound of birds. She never thought she would live far away from home, or not be woken up by the sound of birds in the morning.

Yulia, her husband, and their little daughter lived in a small, quiet village in Ukraine. Yulia loved being woken every morning by the sound of birds. She never thought she would live far away from home, or not be woken up by the sound of birds in the morning.

Yulia, son mari, et leur petite fille vivaient dans un petit village paisible en Ukraine. Yulia aimait être réveillée chaque matin par le chant des oiseaux. Elle n’a jamais pensé qu’elle vivrait loin de chez elle, ou qu’elle ne serait pas réveillée par le chant des oiseaux le matin.

A man sitting on a sofa surrounded by lots of beer cans.

Her husband was always complaining about not having enough money and he began drinking heavily. They decided to try their luck in Portugal. Maybe there they could earn more money to build a house and make a better future for their family.

Her husband was always complaining about not having enough money and he began drinking heavily. They decided to try their luck in Portugal. Maybe there they could earn more money to build a house and make a better future for their family.

Son mari se plaignait toujours de ne pas avoir assez d’argent et a commencé à boire beaucoup. Ils ont décidé de tenter leur chance au Portugal. Peut-être que là-bas, ils pourraient gagner plus d’argent pour construire une maison et un meilleur avenir pour leur famille.

A woman pushing a woman in a wheelchair.

Yulia adapted well to her new home, and she started working as a cleaner. Her clients really appreciated her hard work and her polite attitude. Her husband, on the other hand, felt more and more left out. Because of his drinking problem, employers did not trust him and would not give him work.

Yulia adapted well to her new home, and she started working as a cleaner. Her clients really appreciated her hard work and her polite attitude. Her husband, on the other hand, felt more and more left out. Because of his drinking problem, employers did not trust him and would not give him work.

Yulia s’est bien adaptée à son nouveau chez-elle, et elle a commencé à travailler en tant que femme de ménage. Ses clients appréciaient beaucoup son dur labeur et sa politesse. Son mari, en revanche, se sentait de plus en plus isolé. À cause de son problème d’alcool, les employeurs ne lui faisaient pas confiance et ne lui donnaient pas de travail.

A woman looking sad.

One day he started yelling at Yulia. Then, he started pushing her. The shouting and beatings got worse, especially when he was drunk. Yulia was afraid for herself and her daughter, but she had no idea what she could do.

One day he started yelling at Yulia. Then, he started pushing her. The shouting and beatings got worse, especially when he was drunk. Yulia was afraid for herself and her daughter, but she had no idea what she could do.

Un jour, il a commencé à crier sur Yulia. Puis, il a commencé à la pousser. Les cris et les coups ont empiré, surtout lorsqu’il était saoul. Yulia avait peur pour elle et pour sa fille, mais elle ne savait pas quoi faire.

A woman with a broken arm being comforted by a doctor.

When Yulia finally had to go to the emergency room in the hospital with a broken arm, they told her that domestic violence was a huge problem in Portugal. They also said that it was a crime and she should report it to the police.

When Yulia finally had to go to the emergency room in the hospital with a broken arm, they told her that domestic violence was a huge problem in Portugal. They also said that it was a crime and she should report it to the police.

Quand Yulia a finalement dû aller aux urgences à l’hôpital avec un bras cassé, ils lui ont dit que les violences conjugales sont un gros problème au Portugal. Ils ont également dit que c’était un crime et qu’elle devrait porter plainte.

A sad-looking woman with a broken arm watching a little girl playing.

Yulia was exhausted and did not want her little daughter to grow up in a home where she witnessed violence every day. Yulia realised that the signs of abuse had been there all along, even if it took many different forms.

Yulia was exhausted and did not want her little daughter to grow up in a home where she witnessed violence every day. Yulia realised that the signs of abuse had been there all along, even if it took many different forms.

Yulia était épuisée et ne voulait pas que sa fille grandisse dans un foyer où elle voyait de la violence tous les jours. Yulia a réalisé que les signes de maltraitance avaient toujours été là, même s’ils ont pris plusieurs formes différentes.

A woman holding a girl in her arms and thinking of birds tweeting.

Yulia went to a women’s shelter, where she felt safer than she had in a long time. She had not felt like that since she was woken up by the sound of birds in the morning.

Yulia went to a women’s shelter, where she felt safer than she had in a long time. She had not felt like that since she was woken up by the sound of birds in the morning.

Yulia est allée à un foyer pour femmes, où elle se sentait plus en sécurité qu’elle ne l’avait été depuis un long moment. Elle ne s’était pas sentie ainsi depuis qu’elle se faisait réveiller par le chant des oiseaux le matin.

Written by: LIDA Portugal
Illustrated by: Vilius Aistis Vilimas
Read by: Pip Hardy
Language: English
Level: Level 5
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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