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A man standing next to a woman holding a baby and thinking of Italy.

Giving birth Giving birth Accoucher

Written by LIDA Norge

Illustrated by Sara Dorthea Johannesen

Read by Pip Hardy

Language English

Level Level 4

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A man standing next to a woman holding a baby and thinking of Italy.

Selamawit is 29 years old. She gave birth to her first child in Eritrea. She and her family had a hard time there, so they decided to go to Italy.

Selamawit is 29 years old. She gave birth to her first child in Eritrea. She and her family had a hard time there, so they decided to go to Italy.

Selamawit a 29 ans. Elle a accouché de son premier enfant en Érythrée. Elle et sa famille ne s’en sortaient pas là-bas, donc ils ont décidé d’aller en Italie.

A woman holding a baby in the air.

Inga left home just before she turned 19. She moved to Norway and had her first child there.

Inga left home just before she turned 19. She moved to Norway and had her first child there.

Inga a quitté sa maison juste avant d’avoir 19 ans. Elle a déménagé en Norvège et a eu son premier enfant là-bas.

A woman standing and a young boy playing on the floor.

When Selamawit became pregnant with her second child, she wondered what it would be like to have a child in a different country.

When Selamawit became pregnant with her second child, she wondered what it would be like to have a child in a different country.

Quand Selamawit est tombée enceinte avec son second enfant, elle s’est demandée ce que cela ferait d’avoir un enfant dans un autre pays.

Two women thinking.

Selamawit and Inga come from different backgrounds. Selamawit felt safe because she had experience with giving birth. Inga talked to her mother about giving birth.

Selamawit and Inga come from different backgrounds. Selamawit felt safe because she had experience with giving birth. Inga talked to her mother about giving birth.

Selamawit et Inga ont des origines différentes. Selamawit se sentait en sécurité car elle avait de l’expérience avec l’accouchement. Inga a parlé de l’accouchement à sa maman.

A man and woman driving.

Both women had heard that, in most European countries, pregnant women have the right to antenatal care. This means that they will get help during their pregnancies. Selamawit made an appointment with her doctor as soon as she realised she was pregnant. Selamawit’s husband drove her to the doctor.

Both women had heard that, in most European countries, pregnant women have the right to antenatal care. This means that they will get help during their pregnancies. Selamawit made an appointment with her doctor as soon as she realised she was pregnant. Selamawit’s husband drove her to the doctor.

Les deux femmes ont entendu dire que, dans la plupart des pays Européens, les femmes enceintes avaient le droit à une assistance prénatale. Cela signifie qu’elles auront de l’aide durant leurs grossesses. Selamawit a pris rendez-vous avec son médecin dès qu’elle a compris qu’elle était enceinte. Le mari de Selamawit l’a conduite jusqu’au médecin.

A doctor talking to a woman about exercising and eating healthily.

The doctor did some tests and found out that Selamawit had a kind of diabetes that some pregnant women get. She had to eat healthy food and exercise. Selamawit was glad she went to the doctor early, before she and her baby became ill.

The doctor did some tests and found out that Selamawit had a kind of diabetes that some pregnant women get. She had to eat healthy food and exercise. Selamawit was glad she went to the doctor early, before she and her baby became ill.

Le docteur a fait des tests et a découvert que Selamawit avait un type de diabète que quelques femmes enceintes ont. Elle devait manger sainement et faire du sport. Selamawit était contente d’être allée chez le médecin tôt, avant qu’elle et son bébé ne soient tombés malades.

Two women talking over a garden fence.

When Inga’s neighbour heard that she was trying to have a baby, the neighbour told her to see a doctor as soon as she was pregnant. That way she could make sure that she and her baby were healthy. The doctor told her to take folic acid, a vitamin that is important for pregnant women.

When Inga’s neighbour heard that she was trying to have a baby, the neighbour told her to see a doctor as soon as she was pregnant. That way she could make sure that she and her baby were healthy. The doctor told her to take folic acid, a vitamin that is important for pregnant women.

Quand la voisine d’Inga a entendu dire qu’elle essayait d’avoir un bébé, la voisine lui a dit d’aller voir un médecin dès qu’elle tomberait enceinte. Ainsi, elle pourrait être sûre qu’elle et son bébé étaient en bonne santé. Le médecin lui a dit de prendre de l’acide folique, une vitamine qui est importante pour les femmes enceintes.

A smiling midwife.

Inga and her doctor agreed that she would meet a midwife for regular check-ups during her pregnancy. The midwife gave her advice on food and rest, and information on how to keep herself and her baby safe and well.

Inga and her doctor agreed that she would meet a midwife for regular check-ups during her pregnancy. The midwife gave her advice on food and rest, and information on how to keep herself and her baby safe and well.

Inga et son médecin ont décidé qu’elle rencontrerait une sage-femme pour des vérifications régulières durant sa grossesse. La sage-femme lui a donné des conseils sur l’alimentation et le repos, et des informations sur comment faire en sorte que son bébé et elle-même soient en bonne santé.

A two-panel image of two families.

Both women gave birth to healthy babies. Selamawit had another son, while Inga had a daughter. Their husbands were very proud, and they told everyone they knew about their strong wives and healthy children.

Both women gave birth to healthy babies. Selamawit had another son, while Inga had a daughter. Their husbands were very proud, and they told everyone they knew about their strong wives and healthy children.

Les deux femmes ont donné naissance à des bébés en bonne santé. Selamawit a eu un autre fils, alors que Inga a eu une fille. Leurs maris étaient très fiers, et ils ont parlé à tous ceux qu’ils connaissaient de leurs femmes fortes et de leurs enfants en bonne santé.

Written by: LIDA Norge
Illustrated by: Sara Dorthea Johannesen
Read by: Pip Hardy
Language: English
Level: Level 4
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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